Ron Johnson Facts

Ron Johnson is a dangerous man, and one who ought not to be trusted with the reins of government.

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He says ventilators aren't helping, pushes use of ivermectin

He claims "ventilators, unfortunately, were doing more harm than good, they weren’t saving people". He promotes the use of ivermectin, a horse dewormer.

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He spent Independence Day 2018 in Moscow

On the day after the Senate Intelligence Committee affirmed that Russia interfered in the election to help Donald Trump, Ron Johnson tweeted out from Moscow, "What does July 4th mean to me? Freedom." He sought a meeting with Vladimir Putin, but according to the Kremlin he was busy.

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He opposed making Juneteenth a federal holiday

But decided to show up to a Juneteenth celebration anyhow. He was booed by the crowd and told "we don't want you here." We don't want you in the Senate either.

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He is an out-of-touch career politician

That's what he said about Russ Feingold in 2010, who served three terms in the Senate. If Ron is elected again it would be his third term, and he's already jumped the shark.

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He calls DC statehood a "naked power grab"

He claims DC has no disadvantaged individuals. In truth, 13.5% of DC lives in poverty, versus 10.4% in Wisconsin.

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He earned "four Pinocchios" for his continued lies about the vaccine

He's lied about more things than we can summarize, particularly claiming (with a straight face) that the COVID vaccine caused 5,200 deaths.

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He was not afraid of the January 6th insurrection

The Republican lawmaker insists there was "nothing racial" about saying he was unafraid of the Capitol-attacking rioters but would've been terrified of Black Lives Matter protesters.

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He promised to retire after this term

The Wisconsin Republican told the Baraboo News Republic that the 2016 battle would be his final Senate election fight and that he would not run for a potential third term. Keep your word, Ron.

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He is anti-vax

Ron Johnson refuses to get vaccinated, endangering his colleagues in Congress and encouraging Americans not to help end the pandemic.

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He was one of only 8 senators who voted against the COVID relief bill

The bill had 82% community support. 100% of democrats and independents voted aye, as did 81% of republicans. Not Ron Johnson.

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He does not want a fair internet

He openly opposes net neutrality. Net neutrality has been around for most of the internet's history. Without net neutrality your ISP could block all voice chat and tell you to use their phone service. Ron Johnson acts like making it law would destroy the internet, when in fact the internet is at risk until it is made law.

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He admits he's been an ineffective senator

In a brief moment of lucidity Ron Johnson himself noticed he's failed to achieve his agenda.

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He thinks COVID-19 is not deadly

When asked if he'd ever support mandated vaccination, he said not unless there was an incredibly deadly disease. COVID-19 has killed more Americans than both World Wars. Combined.

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He parrots tired bullshit about the mainstream media

He wrote an opinion about the mainstream media not being a free press. They ran his piece.

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He is endorsed by Trump

That's never good.

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He wasted 10 hours, 43 minutes of everyone's time by forcing the reading of the COVID relief bill

And then he left the room. Hilariously, our beloved Senator Tammy Baldwin was presiding over the Senate when democrats moved to shorten debate from 20 hours to 3, which was done without objection because zero republicans stayed in the Senate for the reading.

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He's two-faced on climate change

When the donors are listening, he says its bullshit. When the voters are listening, he says climate change is real, but also claims Greenland was "actually green at one point in time".

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He wants tax cuts for himself, not for parents

After months of asking the Trump administration to change the tax code to benefit him personally, he sold a business for millions of dollars. Now he's upset about the child tax credit.

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He continues to lie about January 6th

He has called the riot which killed several people a "peaceful protest", saying rioters were "jovial and friendly", likening the break-in to "a normal tourist visit".

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